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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Spotlight: The Magician by Sonia Rao




Fashion designer Sasha Kapoor always felt she'd missed out on love as she had an arranged marriage. And when her husband turns up at their 15th-anniversary party with a strange woman, she knows that her marriage is dying. With constant surprises and disasters to contend with, will Sasha ever get a chance at true love?

Shantha is much sought after for her tarot card readings on love, but can’t seem to help her own love life with a string of broken relationships behind her. Now, sparks are flying between her and a sexy bartender but will this relationship fizzle out too?

Young professionals Nilima and her husband are so besotted with each other, they give the word ‘soulmate’ a complex. Theirs is a match made in heaven…till tragedy strikes.

The Magician is a heart-warming story of these three dynamic women as they discover the meaning of true love through loss and longing.


Do add this book to your TBR


"Sonia Rao is a writer, editor, writing coach, TEDx speaker and an award-winning blogger. Her fiction has appeared in many prestigious anthologies such as Voices Old & New, Jest Like That (edited by renowned editor-writer Shinie Antony) & The Hellcats Anthology - an international anthology compiled and edited by award-winning film maker and author Kate Pickford.

As NaNoWriMo’s Municipal Liaison for all-India and founder of the Wrimo India group on Facebook, Sonia has motivated thousands of people in India to write a novel every November since 2011. She has also curated and edited the first Wrimo India Anthology, Vengeance—A Sting In Every Tale.

Sonia likes to believe she is ‘high-minded’ but strangely, her fave hobby is thinking up torture devices for those autorickshawallahs who consider the roads to be their personal spittoon. Who knew?"

You can stalk her @

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1 comment:

  1. So thrilling to see The Magician hosted on your blog, Ruchira. Much appreciated <3
